Friday, December 31, 2010

Secular New Year, Emulating the Ways of the Nations, and Hypocrisy

by Aaron Parry on Friday, December 31, 2010 at 3:09pm

On the Socialite blog, a reader took umbrage with a comment I made concerning the Biblical proscription against gratuitously emulating the customs and practices of the Gentiles. Whether it has any bearing on the observance of the secular new year is a subject of debate among the later poskim. What intrigued (or incensed) this reader was his (alleged) assumption that many Charedi Jews and Chasidim are in violation of this prohibition (Leviticus18:3) inasmuch as they wear attire that was once worn by the Polish nobility centuries ago. I'm not going to address this issue at this time, but I'd like to tackle the implication or charge of hypocrisy by the Charedi world that this reader was advancing and see where that takes us.

If one were taking a survey, looking to add an 11th Commandment (not to be taken seriously as one cannot add to the Torah), I would vote for “Thou shalt not be a hypocrite.” Many students of the Talmud are imbued with that message early on, as they study the teachings of the Talmudic sages that are replete with examples of “Practicing what one preaches.” With that understanding, it comes is somewhat disheartening to read a different account in the Greek Scriptures where the allegation of hypocrisy is heaped upon the rabbinical Pharisees:

“The scribes and the Pharisees have sat in the chair of Moses. All things therefore whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do: but according to their works do ye not; for they say and do not. For they bind heavy and insupportable burdens, and lay them on men's shoulders; but with a finger of their own they will not move them… And they seek salutations in the market place, and to be called by men, Rabbi" (Matt., 23:1-8).

Ouch, that hurts! Is that what learning Torah and training rabbinic leaders produced in the 1st Century? Josephus in Antiquities identifies the Pharisees as becoming practically synonymous with Judaism. A study of Talmudic history, he says, reveals a “certain moral dignity and greatness, a marked tenacity of purpose at the service of high, patriotic, and religious ideals.” As contrasted with the Sadducess, the Pharisees represented the democratic tendency; contrasted with the corrupted priesthood, they stood for both the democratic and the spiritualizing movement among the people.

So concerned with being consistent and taking responsibility for their teachings, that in Shabbat 54b, the Talmud cites the case of Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria, “whose cow” would go out on Shabbat with a forbidden rein between her horns. The rabbis explain that the cow did not really belong to R’ Elazar ben Azaria, but since R’ Elazar did not reprove his neighbor who was the actual owner, it was reckoned as if he had committed the violation.

So let’s examine an episode in the life of one of these scholars and evaluate if he fits the scathing indictment found in the Gospel of Matthew mentioned above.

The Talmud tells that Rabbi Yannai, a Pharisee, had a tree that spread into a public place. A case came before him where a person had a tree that leaned over into a public place and passersby were injured by the thorns.

Rabbi Yannai told the litigants, "Go home today. Come back tomorrow. I will tell you what the law is."

Meanwhile, Rabbi Yannai sent his servants to cut down his tree. The next day, when Rabbi Yannai was sitting to judge the case, he said, "The law is that you must cut down the tree because it is a public impediment."

But, Your Honor, you also have a tree that leans into the public street. Your tree is also a public impediment."

Go, take a look," replied Rabbi Yannai, "if I have cut down my tree. You must also cut down your tree. If I haven’t you can leave yours, as well"

The Talmud asks, "Why did Rabbi Yannai not cut down his tree earlier?"

Why did he wait until a case actually came before him?"

Rabbi Yannai assumed that passers-by enjoyed the shade of his tree. However, when a case came before him, he realized that a tree whose branches reach out into the public street cause grief to passersby. He reasoned that people were only quiet out of respect for him. Therefore he sent for it to be cut down.

In any case, Rabbi Yannai did not tell others to cut down their trees until he had cut down his own. Here is a case where we find a Talmudic sage, a Pharisee, not only “talking the talk, but walking the walk.” By no means were rabbi Yannai’s actions an exception. As a learned person of Scripture, he followed sound advice: "Remove your own straw and then remove others' straw." (Zephaniah 2:1) If your friend has a little piece of straw in his eyes and you also have straw in your eyes, remove the straw from your own eye and then remove the straw from the other person's eye. Put simply, “Don’t try to correct others until you’ve corrected yourself!” (Talmud Baba Batra 60a)

To my friendly blog reader, DrM, we should consider Rabbi Yannai's sound advice, before pre-judging our coreligionists who are grappling with their own issues on the battlefield of living and observing a Torah life in the lands of our exile. Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Rabbi Responds: To Celebrate Jan 1st or Not? | By Rabbi Aaron Parry

Daniyelle writes: "Is it wrong for a Jew to celebrate the secular New Year? Is there an actual commandment against doing so? I commemorate Rosh Hashana every year, and I know it's not 'Jewish' to go out on Dec 31., but what harm can it do?"

Rabbi's response:
This is an excellent question and one that has been addressed by several contemporary (or at least in the last 100 years) Halachic authorities, in their discussions concerning secular American holidays. They’ve invariably discussed the halachic issues from the standpoint of three principles: (1) avoda zara (Idol worship); (2) chukot hagoyim; (customs and mores of the Gentiles) and (3) adding mitzvot.

I don’t recall #1 or #3 having any significant relevance to the observance of January 1st as a New Year, for rank and file Jews would never attribute divinity to a day (some) associate with the anniversary of Jesus’ brit milah, or consider celebrating New Years as some additional “mitzvah.” We know what Rosh Hoshana means to us, and never the twain do they overlap or share any form or notion of comparison.

That having been said, what about #2, “Chukot HaGoyim?” Biblically, Jews are barred from emulating the customs of gentiles (Leviticus 18:3). The Vilna Gaon ruled that all customs were suspect unless we know they have a valid Jewish basis. For this reason, as an illustration, many Chasidic Jews eschew wearing neckties, and others avoid all Western attire. The Shulchan Aruch, “Code of Jewish Law,” was more lenient however, with the Rema, (Rabbi Moshe Isserles) adding that the prohibition against emulating gentile customs applies to activities that promote licentious behavior or that is tied to avoda zara. Even according to the most strict Chasidic sentiment on the issue, with respect to clothing, there is no problem if it is beneficial (e.g., a distinctive uniform to identify a doctor) or displays honor or is otherwise reasonable. I’m aware of Chasidim in the military who, of course, don official uniforms.

Getting back to New Year’s Day, according to Rav Moshe Feinstein, it’s sufficiently divorced from its religious origins to be permissible, but a "ba’al nefesh" (particularly scrupulous observant Jew) will refrain from it’s observance. Accordingly, Thanksgiving is clearly permissible but Halloween is very difficult to justify.

What harm would there be to “go out,” and celebrate New Years? Don’t drink and drive, nor promote licentious behavior and you should be fine.

Principle Vs Profession | By Rabbi Aaron Parry


My boyhood "hero" was Sandy Koufax. His 75th birthday is today. I remember my beloved dad, A'H, in those halcyon days of the early 60's taking me, a budding little league enthusiast, to Dodger Stadium to watch the artful mastery of arguably the greatest left-handed pitcher in history.

On October 6, 1965, the Jews of America entered into the modern age of religious consciousness (a couple years before the lure of Eastern devotions countered with the baal teshuva movement were to erupt on the scene along with Vietnam protests, Six-day War, Chicago Seven, etc.)

On that day, with the eyes of much of the nation on this insanely talented and popular Jewish athlete, Sandy decided to sit out the opening game of the 1965 World Series against the Minnesota Twins - all because it coincided with Yom Kippur. Any major league baseball pitcher would have loved to be the first pitcher for his team in the World Series, and that certainly included Sandy Koufax. Our valiant IDF soldiers would galvanize its forces and gird its loins on that day eight years later to protect their country from annihilation, but Sandy would not pick up that 5 ounce orb to betray his God for the fleeting glory of mowing down the murderous lineup that included Harmon Killebrew, Tony Oliva, and Bobby Allison. (Obvious difference between violating Yom Tov to preserve lives, or doing so to advance one's career!)

For many, Sandy Koufax alone made us face the most salient question of our existence as Jews in this incredible land of opportunity - one that most of our Jewish grandparents had no access to - will we place our 3300 years of religious principles and fidelity to the Almighty before any professional or vocational interests? We're being tested daily by that provocative question.

Happy birthday Sanford (Sanford Braun)! May you continue to inspire and be a catalyst to your holy brethren to face the moral dilemmas of being Jewish in America.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Obama, Let My Pollard Go! | By: Daryl Temkin, Ph.D.

With great anticipation, we await the moment that Prime Minister Natanyahu says to President Obama, “Let My Pollard Go!” How strange that this event is slated to happen at the same time that synagogues around the world are reading from the opening chapters of the Book of Exodus.

After 25 years of prolonged imprisonment and 1,000’s of articles written about the Pollard case and the miscarriage of justice, it has come to a point where Israel’s Prime Minister will approach the American president and request to free Pollard.

For years, the anti-Pollard voices claimed that Pollard committed an unspeakable crime but no one seemed to know the significant details and no one had access to supposedly a locked secret allegation document. Yet, significant witnesses as well as Casper Weinberg who for years had enforced Pollard’s life sentence confessed that the substance for penalizing Pollard was trite. Plus, now we know that the most serious charges were bogus.

It has been stated untold times that Pollard apologized for his actions of supplying information to the nation of Israel which has always been a friend to America. Further confusing, the information which Pollard brought to Israel was information which America was to legally provide Israel. Anti-Pollard people have claimed that Pollard’s information went to a third party and resulted in the death of American agents in Russia. This claim was determined to be the basis of his life long sentence. When this claim was discovered to be a false, nothing was done to rectify punishing Pollard for the misdeeds of others.

It is despicable that Pollard has been imprisoned on false charges that have been known to be false for many years. The continued imprisonment of Pollard has been a crime upon the hands of all who keep him imprisoned.

President Obama is currently the only person with the power to end the Pollard injustice and to take an action which will at least bring an end to the wrongs of the past.

Once Natanyahu makes his formal request, we will wait to see if President Obama will respond with correct action or will there be a "hardening of the heart"?

Some political advisors state that Obama should wait and leverage the Pollard release when he can gain renewed Jewish support for the 2012 election. Others say Obama should only release Pollard if he can get Israel to make major political concessions with the Palestinian leaders including an extended building freeze in Jerusalem.

What happened to doing the right thing because it is the right thing? Why is it that the right thing has to be linked to a wrong thing or to another thing?

Pollard must be released because it is a flagrant injustice to give a life sentence for an uncommitted crime. Pollard has gone far beyond the duty of paying his debt to society. Society now has a much larger debt to pay Pollard.

The human race shares a value of justice and the responsibility to build a fair and just society. When justice is abused, the entire human race suffers and bares the responsibility to rectify the wrong.

It is time that every American not be silent till Pollard is pardoned and released.

We look forward to see the American Congress and the American people stand together to support the right decision of President Obama for the immediate pardon and release of Jonathan Pollard.

Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement of Alternative Energy, which is devoted to teaching the world about the “clean energy” innovations that have come forth from Israel to free humankind from global oil dependency. The Israel Institute is a not for profit, 501c3 organization. Tax deductible contributions can be given through the website:, or call: 310.508.0950.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


This was brought to our attention by Rabbi Eliezer Eidlitz of the Kosher Information Bureau.

Channukah commemorates our people's successful battle against Hellenist laws limiting Jewish religious practice.  That battle is being fought again in our own time by the Jews of New Zealand, who have taken to the courts to combat a ban on shechitah imposed by their government.

They don’t fight this battle for themselves alone!  They are fighting for Jews throughout the world.  If the ban on shechitah takes hold in New Zealand, it will be Europe's turn next, and who knows where after that!


Bearing the full costs of the legal challenge on their own is beyond the means of New Zealand's small Jewish community of about 6,800 souls. You can become a partner of the New Zealand Maccabees by making a contribution.  Please send your check to:

200 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10023.

Make the check payable to Lincoln Square Synagogue, and be sure to write "New Zealand" in the memo line.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Love is My Religion | By Sam Glaser

by Sam Glaser

My 15-year-old Max woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Since he’s a busy teen I have to make an appointment to have a conversation. Today was our day to make up for lost time but he emerged from his bedroom with a chip on his shoulder and heaped insult on each family member. I had to draw the line when he slammed his brother Jesse’s laptop down on his fingers. The punishment? His lifeline to the world, his new cell phone, was promptly snatched away and hidden. How do you think that affected his mood for our outing?

Jews believe in a loving, caring God Who is committed to every individual’s growth and pleasure. Our liturgy is filled with constant reminders of God’s love, and our prayers and blessings create constant opportunities for returning the favor with gratitude. Our texts are also rife with the cause and effect chain of slacking off. The flip side of real love, and by that I mean tough love, is the importance of consequences. But it all starts with love.

Historically Jews are associated more with guilt than joy, as if we are inherently more in touch with the “fear” side of the love-fear continuum. Personally, I prefer the term “awe” to “fear.” God is AWE-SOME! Awe infers respect, power, wonder. I have heard many times that Christians are the people of love and we are the people of the book. I believe the point that’s lost on the world is that we’re infatuated with textual learning because it allows us to hear God’s “still, small voice.” In any relationship, the partners must establish the lines that must not be crossed. Awe implies an awareness of boundaries. We study so that we know God’s mind, God’s desires and expectations. With the ground rules set we can then dance in ecstatic joy with our Creator.

love hate babyOur kids go berserk when we reprimand them. Sometimes it’s fun to video their reactions. No, I don’t post the tantrums on Facebook. Thankfully they are usually considerate and know when they are crossing the line. They have also learned when to steer clear of their mother just by reading the look on her face. But when we have to lay down the law, we let them freak out for a while and find that afterwards they are usually more sweet and loving than ever. I think they intuit that structure in their lives is crucial for them to flourish. They also see their peers that are spoiled rotten usually turn out just that way: rotten. We emphasize to them that as Jews we connect the holiday of Pesach with Shavuot because we realize that celebrating freedom is great but it’s not just about escaping slavery. Our true goal is the freedom to receive Torah at Sinai and thereby bask within a powerful covenant with God. Rules + consequences = freedom.

I’m currently reading a new Rabbi Arush bestseller, In Forest Fields, that urges us to feeling gratitude for our pain, for the setbacks and trials we face, because in the long run “tsuris” brings us closer to a God that only does things for our good. Part of God’s role as our Father in Heaven requires that God dispense love in the form of discipline or rebuke. Just like I must take away Max’s phone to make my point that his behavior is unacceptable, so too does God give us pause for thought when it’s necessary to re-orient our actions. The setback is a gift. By intervening, I show my son my love. The cruelest response would be to ignore the problem. Richard Bach put it well in his brilliant book Illusions: ”To love someone unconditionally is not to care who they are or what they do. Unconditional love, on the surface, looks the same as indifference.”

My parents are very involved in my life. Love on Sheet Music Their involvement is welcome and cherished. My father has taken upon himself the job of worrying for me. It’s quite a relief that I don’t have to worry for myself since my dad does such a good job of it. Many of our conversations evolve from small talk about our day-to-day to an analysis of all the things that are wrong in my life. It took me years to understand that my father isn’t trying to wreck my good mood. He shows his love with his concern that I remain focused on what needs doing for my family’s well being. His broken record repetition of the state of my finances or the costs of sending my kids to private school is actually pure, unadulterated love, hidden in the “garment” of worry.

How many parents show their love in the “garment” of screaming, paranoia and nagging? My mom still admonishes that I could break a finger while skiing or skateboarding. “And then what?” she adds accusingly. Even at 47 years old she still reminds me to take my jacket because it might get cold. I love it! Many friends only see the silver lining of their parent’s love after their parents have left the earth. I often refer to my song “He is Still My Daddy,” (coming out soon on my new CD!) when I feel like bucking the onslaught of paternal judgment. I consciously remind myself that my parent’s caveats represent the deepest love.

It’s important to state the difficulty of appreciating a loving Universe when one is in the depths of despair. Overly helpful friends may remind you that God only tests those whom God loves, and that challenges are proof that God really needs you and is counting on you to grow. In the thick fog of despondency we are blind to the opportunities that impregnate every setback. Sometimes it takes an enlightened guide to coach you through the trough, to “lift your eyes” to a vision of healing, consolation and even victory.

Couple in WaterToday I braved the LA drizzle with my family to attend a book signing of a young woman who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer when she was twenty. As soon as she was able to get over the sense of victimhood, cancer gave her the incentive to take life seriously and the awareness that she had special gifts to counsel those in similar straits. The audience was overjoyed to hear that this year, eight years after her lifesaving surgery, she gave birth to healthy twins. Her sister donated the eggs and thanks the miracle of in vitro fertilization she and her husband are parents of darling daughters. At the nadir of her struggle it’s unlikely that she would have uttered the words she said today: “I’m grateful for my cancer.”

A careful reading of our holy Torah shows that our biblical heroes do not have access to prophecy when in states of sadness. Sadness is compared with idol worship in our Talmud. After all, a negative spin on life is a slap in the face to our Creator who gives us our tests with love and hope for our eventual triumph. Yaakov spends twenty-two years without access to prophecy while mourning for his missing Yosef. And by extension we are shocked to see that Avraham must have been joyful at the chance to do the mitzvah of sacrificing his beloved Yitzchak or he wouldn’t have heard the angel calling to stay his hand. Our greatest moments are not spent in couch potato mode with the latest Netflix delivery. When we look back we are proudest of overcoming obstacles, the more profound the adversity the more powerful the feeling of accomplishment.

Still, we don’t ask for tests. We don’t seek out problems. Heart in OceanThey do a perfectly good job finding us. Two months ago I broke my foot. I survived the ignominy of being pushed in a wheelchair on the Sabbath, barely mastered crutches, and had my low back go out due to the imbalance of walking around in a Frankenstein boot. Thank God I’m doing much better now but I have a brand new sense of appreciation for my mobility. I’m much more sympathetic to those in wheelchairs, to those who suffer with inadequate access, crumbling sidewalks and death star potholes. Only afterwards did I recognize God’s kindness in that my injury transpired in the only two-month window in my schedule when I didn’t have to get on an airplane and tour.

I never did get to spend the day with Max. He was reduced to a furious, frustrated adolescent festering in his room. Not to worry…we’ll get our chance…he’s a great kid with an award-winning smile. His brother Jesse was more than happy to have me to himself for the day. We took my first hike since my accident and boy did I smell the roses. We saw ducks, geese, doves, quail, lizards and turtles, ate wild grapes in a forest of eucalyptus and munched on a picnic of Jeff’s kosher chicken cilantro sausages smeared with hearts of romaine and pareve Caesar dressing with a side of seasoned fries. With every breath of fresh air I thanked God. With every bite of my gourmet hot dog I sang praises to the Almighty. My God is a God of love, thank you very much. Life is so good.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Did you Know?.....Oh, Say Can You Sing....

This is a repost from Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein's posting on his blog at Cross-Currents.

“In 1926, Lord Plumer was appointed as the second High Commissioner of Palestine. The Arabs within the Mandate were infuriated when Plumer stood up for the Zionists’ national anthem Hatikva during ceremonies held in his honor when Plumer first visited Tel Aviv. When a delegation of Palestinian Arabs protested Plumer’s ‘Zionist bias,’ the High Commissioner asked the Arabs if he remained seated when their national anthem was played, ‘wouldn’t you regard my behavior as most unmannerly?’ Met by silence, Plumer asked: ‘By the way, have you got a national anthem?’ When the delegation replied with chagrin that they did not, he snapped back, “I think you had better get one as soon as possible.”

[Christopher Sykes, "Cross Roads to Israel - Palestine from Balfour to Bevin" London, Collins, 1965, pp. 92-93]

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The PiRo Social Coffee Club wishes all of our friends a
שנה טובה ומתוקה
כתיבה וחתימה טובה

A very happy and healthy New Year and best wishes to all of you. May your prayers be heard and a answered, with revealed goodness, brachas and nachat, health and prosperity and peace. May the Almighty grant you all of your heart’s desires for the best.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Urgently Need Your Help!!!! | By Minde Ornelas

I am sure by now you have heard of Kohl's Cares. If you have not, in brief, in celebration of Kohl's Cares® 10th anniversary, they are donating $500,000 to 20 schools each for a total of $10 million. My daughters' school, Bais Chaya Mushka, is currently number 10 (of 20) on the leader-board. This means we are very close in getting this wonderful institution very desperately needed money. Although we are number 10, there is still about a month left till the final results come in, and that means that we have to do whatever we can to keep our ranking within the top 20, despite the fierce competition between school nationwide.
SO I am asking you, urgently, please, if you still have not voted, please just take a few minutes and vote for Bais Chaya Mushka, by clicking here.
I know there are many deserving schools out there, but this one is close to our homes and our hearts. They have touched so many people's lives, and so many people's hearts, including mine and my family's, and we can be sure they will put this so badly needed money to such good use. Can I count on you to partake in this mitzvah with me?

Friday, August 27, 2010

PiRo Gives Back to the Community | Tomchei Shabbos!/event.php?eid=123753144340973

Please invite and bring as many people as you can with you. This is a kid-friendly event.

Time to do a good deed and to give back to the community.

Please join us in this mitzvah (good deed). Most of you have done this already, and this is a great opportunity for us to this great good deed together.
We will get together at the Tomchei Shabbos warehouse in the La Brea area (for location on google maps, go to at 5:30 PM. (Directions from La Brea: Entrance is on the Right at the first set of Red Gates closest to La Brea; Upon entering the gates, head east (toward Formosa); The Tomchei Shabbos Warehouse is located at the farthest East end of the lot.) Mr Steve Berger will spend a few minutes with us describing the background for Tomchei Shabbos and how it operates.

Afterwards, you will have the choice of helping with packing and shipping, or with the delievery of food to the needy.

Founded in 1977, Tomchei Shabbos of Los Angeles has been lovingly providing essential Shabbat food packages to thousands of needy Jewish families in our community.

Every week, our warehouses come alive with volunteers filling rows of boxes with eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, challah, wine, candles and everything else a family needs to make Shabbos special. The boxes are then delivered with the outmost discretion and care to the privacy of the recipient.

Tomchei Shabbos is entirely supported by the compassion and generosity of financial support, time and resources of the Los Angeles Jewish community.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Good People at Torat Hayim Express Their Thanks to the Volunteers from PiRo Social Coffee Club

The following is a letter I received via fax today.  I wanted to share it with you all.

I would like to mention that I am personally thankful to everyone that showed up, and I think Minde and her two beautiful daughters, Heather, and Corey deserve a special recognition and thanks for staying up till 3 AM on Monday morning, finishing the project!

Hope to see you all next time at one of our community service events.  (Just FYI, if you are not sure which event I am talking about, the information may be found by clicking here.

Please click on the image for a larger version.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Urgently Need Your Help!!!! | By Minde Ornelas

I am sure by now you have heard of Kohl's Cares. If you have not, in brief, in celebration of Kohl's Cares® 10th anniversary, they are donating $500,000 to 20 schools each for a total of $10 million. My daughters' school, Bais Chaya Mushka, is currently number 10 (of 20) on the leader-board. This means we are very close in getting this wonderful institution very desperately needed money. Although we are number 10, there is still about a month left till the final results come in, and that means that we have to do whatever we can to keep our ranking within the top 20, despite the fierce competition between school nationwide.
SO I am asking you, urgently, please, if you still have not voted, please just take a few minutes and vote for Bais Chaya Mushka, by clicking here.
I know there are many deserving schools out there, but this one is close to our homes and our hearts. They have touched so many people's lives, and so many people's hearts, including mine and my family's, and we can be sure they will put this so badly needed money to such good use. Can I count on you to partake in this mitzvah with me?

Friday, June 11, 2010

EMERGENCY ACTION ALERT | No Entry Visas to the "Flotilla" Passengers for Speaking Tours in the US


It has been announced that a number of passengers from the so-called "Flotilla" plan to speak in New York City in the coming weeks.

According to Section 212 of the Immigration and Naturalization Act, the State Department may deny visas to representatives of and those providing assistance to terrorist organizations.

The petition accessed through the following link:, urges the US Department of State to investigate any and all of the passengers of the Mavi Marmara and other ships from Turkey’s IHH flotilla who apply for visas to enter the United States on a speaking tour, and deny them entry visas, based on the statues cited above.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dear Klal Yisrael,... | By: Zehava Akinadé

Dear כלל ישראל,

Due to certain events that are occurring in our community, I have taken it upon myself to write this letter. This is not solely a letter of complaint, but it is also a letter for the purpose of distributing valuable information and courtesies I feel are needed in our community today. Although satirical in nature, I do write with utmost sincerity. As a Nigerian-American Jew, or a Jew of color in our community, I feel there are some issues that I would personally like to address. I will not be addressing all of the issues, but at least a few to get the mind thinking and the good middos rolling.

First, I would like to address not only the issue of general politeness, but also of halacha. I understand that for some it is very interesting, or “unique,” to meet a Jew of color, but one must understand that it is rude and halachically unacceptable to personally interrogate with every Jew you meet. Furthermore, not every Jew of color is a convert, and even if they are, halachically speaking, you are in no way allowed to ask a convert (of color or otherwise), their story, their past, or anything that reminds them that they are a convert. Additionally, what makes one think that within 30 seconds of meeting someone, a convert would want to open up and tell you their whole life story? Why would they be comfortable revealing the fine details of what made them decide to convert, and how they became interested in Yiddishkeit to begin with, to someone they just met? It is especially rude to ask while your children are staring and pointing at this new person during davening as if they have never seen a person of color in their life before, while you try to have an allegedly deep conversation. This only adds to the awkwardness of the situation for the interrogated. Instead, it is perhaps better to reconsider how or if you have taught your children proper manners. Also, for some reason people think that it is a short, simple story. If it took someone their entire lifetime, thus far, to find their truth, why imply that it is a tale easily summed up in a three-minute story by putting them on the spot under very awkward circumstances?

Next, it appears most individuals assume that converts don’t know anything. If one takes time to think on this, it should really be a very simple realization: if one has an interest in something, especially a challenging all-encompassing life changing interest such as converting to Orthodox Judaism which takes years of learning, living, and studying subject by subject, halacha by halacha, where that person then has to go in front of an ultra-orthodox Beis Din (so there are no questions about if you are really Jewish or not). Given this, what makes one think a convert wouldn’t know even the basics? So next time you want to tell me that I should move to Israel because there are a lot of “my people” there and you and I can meet you at the Kotel which is “this big wall where lots of people daven, which means to pray”… You might want to save it. Because trust me, in my head I am thinking, you and I aren’t meeting anywhere. Not the Kotel, not the 770, not even the shwarma place down the street

The last on my list, and the biggest irritant for me so far, is after you have already come up to me and asked me “Excuse me? Are you Jewish? Are you a convert? Are you married?” all in less then 45 seconds, and then you tell me “I see, well I think I know a guy for you” all I can think of is “HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW?” What does that even mean, and by the way, what was your name again? Honestly, do you really think you are doing me a favor when you come up to me and say, “Hey I think I know someone for you, he’s black, and he’s religious…” and I say “Well, what else do you know about him? What does he do for a living? Where is he from? How old is he? Did he go to yeshivah? Who does he hold by?” and you have no idea and look at me like I’m insane. Then, maybe, just maybe, only knowing that he is black and religious doesn’t help, especially when you have no idea what I and probably what he is looking for. I mean let’s give an example. If you went up to a religious Ashkenazi girl and said, “Hey, I think I have a guy for you. He’s Ashkenazi, and he’s religious...” And that’s it. She is going to suggest that you should continue taking your medication regularly and don’t give up you day job to become a Shadchan. I understand their excitement at the idea that they were the one to set up this super ethnic hip Jewish couple. Oh, the novelty of it all. As if we probably don’t know each other already, being two out of the six black Jews in the neighborhood.

In the end, all I am really saying כלל ישראל, is that, we are all Jews. And as Jews we should be treated with the same respect and dignity as all other Jews, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Chassidic, Litvish, Modern, Mizrachi, Yemenite, African, Bukharian, Asian, Hispanic, Muppet, Converts, Baal Teshuvah, FFB, it doesn’t matter. And the sooner we realize this, the closer we will be to bringing Moshiach. Unity of the Jewish people matters. Should we all continue to break down our personal mental barriers and continue to embrace the diversity that the Jewish people have to offer. Let us all stand strong together as a nation, for many other nations want to see our destruction chas v’shalom. Let us all grow in our ahavas yisroel and continue to give each other chizuk so that we may ALL merit to see the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days!

Forever yours,

Zehava Akinadé

עם ישראל חי

Note: All examples above have actually occurred in my life by seemingly well meaning people.

"Even if you are not fully committed to a Torah life, do something. Begin with a mitzvah — any mitzvah — its value will not be diminished by the fact that there are others that you are not prepared to do"
- The Lubavitcher Rebbe

Monday, June 7, 2010

Helen Thomas Auditions for Schindler’s List | By: Daryl Temkin, Ph.D.

Stephen Spielberg’s masterpiece production, Schindler’s List, highlighted the scene of a young German child who with force and gladness screams at the line of deported Jews, “Good bye Jews!” meaning, “Jews get out of Europe”. Where did the Nazi sympathizing Europeans expect the Jews to go? To Palestine, a place that even Europe at that time related to as the birthplace and homeland of the Jews.

Today’s “modern prophet” Helen Thomas, a seasoned 50 year front row seated White House press veteran was interviewed after attending a Jewish history program. When asked how she felt about the Jews, she proudly proclaimed, “Jews, get out of Palestine! It’s not your land. Go to where you come from, Germany, Poland…”

How is it that Helen Thomas, an “educated open minded thinker” is ignorant as to where the Jews are from? A place called Judea, the land of the Jews, is the very place that Helen Thomas refuses to understand has anything to do with Jewish origins. According to Thomas and her cronies, “Judea”, the place named for being the “Jew’s land” should be vanquished of Jews, Judenrined. Thomas implies that it is a land only for Arabs who have no historic roots besides effective and pervasive propaganda.

Where is home for the Jews? According to Helen Thomas, Europe, the lands famous for acting upon the “Jews Get Out” premise, the lands of Kristalnacht riots, of mass deportations, Nuremberg Laws, slave labor camps, concentration camps and death camps.

In spite of the waves of anti-Israel confusion which have filled the media, most thinking minds still have a memory that Germany and the European continent is not the home of the Jews. In fact, the European continent is facing an unprecedented rise in radical Islam and has once again achieved the highest record breaking statistics for anti-Semitic activities since the Nazi era.

Thomas articulates the noxious Arab narrative which claims that the Jews belong in Europe and not in the Middle East. This is the language of Hamas and Holocaust denying Iranian President Ahmadinejad. Will the next video of Helen Thomas be her comments questioning the authenticity of the Holocaust?

As an East Coast “intellectual”, Helen Thomas proudly shows her true colors of ignorance, bias and yes, anti-Semitism. It is soon to be seen whether liberal minded American thinkers will have the courage to respond to Helen Thomas with shock and scorn or will they be silent, cover up the story and give her a pass?

Helen Thomas’s response is directed at advancing the end of Jewish life in contrast to what the State of Israel has accomplished, a rebirth of the Jewish people and their ability to contribute to the world.

Helen, your true self audition for the Schindler List character was well executed and is only in competition with the Mel Gibson performance. However, although this might be painful for you to accept, after a 2,000 year exile, the Jews have come home and it is their only home, Israel.

Below is the YouTubee broadcast of the interview with Helen Thomas


Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement of Alternative Energy, which is devoted to teaching the world about the “clean energy” innovations that have come forth from Israel to free humankind from global oil dependency. The Israel Institute is a not for profit, 501c3 organization. Tax deductible contributions can be given through the website:

Or call: 310.508.0950.

Friday, June 4, 2010

General Rule: Israel Can Never Be Right | By Daryl Temkin, Ph.D.

When will the world media and political leaders like Israel? Likely, only when Israel is significantly beaten, physically compromised and made virtually irrelevant. Since June , 1967, surviving and victorious Jews have not been worthy of positive recognition.

It was little surprise to hear Hillary Clinton and the US Administration join the UN’s condemnation of Israel who stopped the flotilla attempt to break the Gaza blockade. Hillary, who two months ago was furious that Israel plans in 2014 to build 1,600 Jerusalem apartments, would certainly blow forth her anger at Israel’s current self defense measures. She additionally went “overboard” and emphasized her recognition of the Gazan “humanitarian crisis”, a clear political ruse.

Sadly, the American administration’s action to support the pro-Hamas movement was beyond belief to many Americans. Yet, it is a symbol of the new America which has become lost in its race to be popular and beloved among the nations. Does America realize that in its attempt to be “moral” it endorsed anarchy as an acceptable standard for international behavior? America chose to support and embolden the Hamas terror organization whose ultimate cause is to destroy a sovereign nation.

No matter how correct Israel may ever be, the media and most world leaders have proven themselves to ignore the facts and quickly proclaim knee jerk anti-Israel responses. After all, how can a nation which is under constant delegitimizing attacks and ugly name calling ever be acknowledged in a positive light?

Israel classically gets portrayed as being wrong even when it is right or at best, gets ignored for being right. It was astonishing when the American President gave thanks to all the countries which came to aid the Haitian earthquake victims but he refused to acknowledge Israel, the country which not only led the life saving efforts long before all others but did the leading heroic tasks.

For the last number of years, Gaza has been armed through tunnels and ships smuggling supplies of ammunition and missiles. Israel along with Egypt established a blockade of Gaza. The “internationalists/humanists” conveniently ignore Egypt’s role with the Gaza blockage and only place full blame on Israel, deemed the exclusive illegitimate and oppressive force in the conflict. Notice it is Israel and not the Arab world which supplies the food, medicine and fuel for the Gazans.

The anti-Israel media was so extreme that I received a call from a person who was under the impression that Israel had attacked a hospital ship docked in Turkey’s port, killing many innocent patients. Imagine what it takes to extract the propaganda story and replace it with reality?

As Israel was globally defamed, the facts that the IDF soldiers experienced attempted lynchings didn’t matter. The fact that numerous deadly weapons were mixed in the cargo didn’t matter. The fact that many of the so called “humanitarians” were actually Hamas activists didn’t matter. The fact that at least 20 pre-made suicide martyrdom video tapes were found among the passengers, didn’t matter. The fact that the mission was not for humanitarian aid but was a bold attempt to defame and delegitimize Israel certainly didn’t matter.

The Los Angeles Jewish Journal report claimed Israel committed a “botched mission” because 10 “deadly club swinging humanitarians” died, the Israeli soldiers were not expecting the high level of violence, it was bad Israeli intelligence and it was a bad plan to use helicopters for placing soldiers on the ship with paint guns. Although the plan worked without violence on five of the six ships, the Jewish Journal reporter still felt entitled to labeled this a “botched mission”. The fact that all six ships were diverted form Gaza and the cargo got inspected and no IDF soldier died, was captured or went missing, it was still a botched mission. The fact that several handful of IDF soldiers managed to take control of over six hundred extremely hostile violent humanitarian passengers and not have to killed hundreds of them is a challenge to imagine how that was possible? But, still it is called a botched mission, as if there was a simple answer.

Furthermore, the Jewish Journal article cried that the “botched mission” included IDF film footage which was blurry. Too bad Stephen Spielberg’s camera crew was not hired the week before to film the event. It is clear that “uncomfortable” critics want a picture perfect result for all that Israel does, but in reality, for most journalists, Israel can do nothing right even if the picture was perfect.

Realize that even if not one person died on the flotilla, Israel would still have been internationally condemned. If the IDF came on the boat with huge machine guns, Israel would have been condemned. If Israel raced the Turkish boat with confronting ships forcing a turn, they would have been condemned. Those who claim that they could have planned it better and brought Israel positive PR are usually false messiahs and expert complainers who have never made a hard decision in their life.

One commentator claimed that Israel was guilty because they shot the first bullet. It didn’t matter that Israeli soldiers were being deadly clubbed. The first shot is what spells guilt. Being clubbed with iron bars and stabbed with long blade knives is inconsequential.

A Jew defending himself is what breaks the rules. Jews dying would be acceptable. Jews killing others in order to remain alive is the violation.

Even when Israel has done something with pure perfection, not one death, it is still criticized. Israel perfectly destroyed Iraq’s first nuclear reactor and the next day, even the US foolishly condemned Israel for saving the lives of untold millions.

In the past, the US leadership had the moral strength to veto outlandish UN anti-Israel resolutions. That era may have past. Now, the US has joined the world’s majority who is bent on extracting Israel from the world’s map and emboldening the face of radical Islamic movements.

In spite of the avalanche of anti-Israel media, polls show that the high majority of Americans understand that Israel is not evil. In amazement, many Americans seem to know that Israel is right even when the media defames the Jewish State.

Israel bashing for no matter what Israel does to try to keep the world safe, may be a popular sport for the media, political leaders, university faculty and students, but there is a world of people who see through the lies and are sick and tired of the falsehoods and deceptions which are being commonly demonstrated for the detriment of humankind.

This Sunday, at 2:00 P.M. in front of the Wilshire Blvd. Israel Consulate in Los Angeles, at Wilshire and La Jolla, there will be a demonstration in support of Israel. All are encouraged to attend.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Emergency Action Alert | Pro-Israel Demonstration Protesting the Planned Ambush of Israel by Turkey and Hamas

Words has reached us that there is a demonstration planned tomorrow, June 1, 2010, at 5 PM, at the Turkish Consulate General (5055 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036), in support of Israel and protesting against the calculated and planned ambush of the brave Israeli soldiers by proponents of Hamas terrorists, sanctioned by the Turkish government.

Please consider it your duty to attend if at all possible.

You can watch a few enlightening videos about the incident below.

Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers

Israeli Navy Addresses a Ship in the Flotilla and Offers it to Dock in the Ashdod Port

Israeli Navy Commander Vice Admiral Eliezer Marom Briefs Forces Set to Intercept Gaza Flotilla

And most important, Message to the turkish prime minister Erdoğan

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Very Few Things Shock Us Anymore

This is a re-post from a posting on the "cross-currents" blog by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlestein. You can find the original posting at

This might still shock you. PLEASE WATCH THROUGH THE END.

For more about david Horowitz please check out:

Monday, May 10, 2010


Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America's true living legends- an acclaimed author, dynamic teacher and one of the world's highest rated speakers.

He is acknowledged in numerous books and periodicals and by savvy and successful corporate executives everywhere as the foremost leader in change management.

He is a former vice president of Procter & Gamble whose career at that company spanned 36 years before his retirement in 1989.

He has confirmed that he was indeed the author of the much-circulated "open letter" quoted here: "I did write the 'you scare me' letter. I sent it to the NY Times but they never acknowledged or published it. However, it hit the internet and according to the 'experts' has had over 500,000 hits."



Dear President Obama:

You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me.

You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.

You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support.

You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.

You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.

You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don't understand it at its core.

You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others.

You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail.

You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America' crowd
and deliver this message abroad.

You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.

You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one.

You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.

You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of living in the world.

You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics against certain banks and corporations.

You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.

You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider opposing points of view from intelligent people.

You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both omnipotent and omniscient.

You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do.

You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaughs, Hannitys, O'Relllys and Becks who offer opposing, conservative points of view.

You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.

Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.

Lou Pritchett

Sunday, May 9, 2010

EMERGENCY ACTION ALERT - Israel Defamed in Annenberg Photo Exhibit - Letter by Daryl Temkin

On March 27, 2010 the Annenberg Space for Photography in Century City, CA opened an exhibit entitled Water: Our Thirsty World. The exhibit, which is scheduled to be on display until June 13, features photographs from National Geographic and coincides with its special issue on water. The exhibit aims to “explore the causes and consider the ramifications of the world’s impending fresh water crisis” through ”environmental, social, political and cultural perspectives.”

Of the 65 photographs on display, 10 are dedicated to Israel, the only country to be negatively portrayed and attacked with false political accusations. The photo captions weave a fiction where Israel hoards water and steals from its neighbors, with photographs depicting Israelis relaxing by overflowing pools and beautiful beaches while others suffer from drought.

Israel is a world leader in water resource management and regularly shares its knowledge with nations around the world. Water is not a weapon and the Annenberg Foundation along with National Geographic had an opportunity to elevate the discourse of global water resources – instead the exhibit is used to manufacture a crude political attack against Israel. The specific Israel-related photos are below, or you may see the exhibit for yourself at

Here are some facts:

  • Israel, with a 75% water recycling rate, is the world's number one water recycler. The second largest water recycler is Spain, with a rate of 12%.
  • Israeli-invented Drip Irrigation helped achieve 70%-80% of water efficiency in agriculture -the highest rate in the world.
  • Israel is home to the world's largest Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant, annually producing 100 million m3 at the low cost of approximately $0.52 per m3 of water - the most cost-efficient of its kind in the world.
  • Israel's total water consumption has remained the same since the 1960s, despite a growing population, rising water requirements and increasing agricultural production.
  • Since 1958, MASHAV – the Center for International Cooperation of the Foreign Ministry of Israel, has trained almost 200,000 course participants from approximately 140 countries and has developed dozens of demonstration projects worldwide in fields of Israeli expertise including water resource management.


This is the letter I wrote in reaction to this issue.

May 7, 2010

Dear Ms. Lowry,

I started to receive phone calls on Monday concerning the Annenberg Photography Museum exhibit on the world’s water resources. These phone calls expressed alarm and upset as to the way that Israel was depicted in the photo captions as well as the use of the word Palestine to name a country which has yet to be created. I will personally attend your exhibit in the next hours.
Now, I hear that the photographs which discuss the topic of fresh water as a scarce and endangered natural resource have been used to blame and delegitimize Israel for global water abuse and for abuse of the Palestinians.

The claims that Israel is abusing Arab water rights is part of the age old anti-Semitic slogans that stem back to the notorious Russian created Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This classic book of anti-Semitic fabrications today rates as the second most purchased book next to the Koran in the Arab nations. The book is famous for teaching the lies that claim Jews poisoned Christian wells, they kidnapped Christian children for ritual slaughter and used their blood for baking Passover mazah.

Today's updated version of the Protocols is that the Jews are stealing, poisoning and polluting the water of the Arabs. The absurdity is that the Arabs control significant water sources for Israel. Israel lives under massive pressure to find new sources of water because the Arabs have continually compromised Israeli water supplies and have done much to contaminate Israeli water.

This is why Israel needs to build and operate at least five major desalination plants to provide its fresh water because it knows that the Arab world poses a major threat to its water supply. Beyond that, Israel has now built over 400 desalination plants around the world to supply the global water shortage. No Arab country is allowed to have an Israeli desalination plant because the Arab world refuses to recognize that Israel is there to help them live. For them, it is more important to boycott Israeli products than to provide life necessities for its citizens.

Gaza was given billions of dollars by the world bank and part of that was to be used to build a waste water treatment plant. That money was diverted from humanitarian needs and right now, Gaza waste water goes untreated directly into the Mediterranean, seriously polluting the sea for hundreds of miles. Palestinians have refused Israeli water supplies and water technology. They have illegally drilled wells by the 100’s in places that have destroyed the aquifers and therefore have ruined beyond repair vast miles of underground water supplies.
Israel supplies water to Gaza. Israel's Ashkelon desalination plant pumps its newly made fresh water into Israel’s water supply line that feeds into Gaza. Gaza rockets have been aimed and fired at the desalination plant and still Israel supplies Gaza with fresh drinking water.

Israel is the only place in the world who is close to achieving a 95% water reclamation rate. Los Angeles reclaims less than 1% of its water and loses virtually all of its rain water to the ocean. Israel is working to capture and purify its rainwater as well as to reclaim most of its used water. It is actively teaching other countries of the world to do the same. The Ben Gurion University of the Negev has recently developed a water filter that is so advanced that it is able to perfectly purify the most extreme level of polluted water.
Israeli developed drip irrigation has revolutionize farming and food production around the globe. This technology is capable of saving a farmer up to 90 percent of water. Many global factories have copied drip irrigation but Israel still supplies over 50% of the entire world's drip irrigation equipment.

An Israeli company has recently developed a commercial ability to safely harvest fresh water from air humidity. The equipment is capable of producing from the air 80,000 gallons of water in a 24 hour period. This Israeli development is a major gift to the water starved world.

The WATEC International Conference on Water and Energy Technology takes place yearly in Israel and is attended by the world community. The last conference in November, 2009, was attended by over 100 nations. At that conference, Israel presents the breakthrough technologies for protecting, conserving and producing fresh water.

If Israel was allowed to live in peace and it was allowed to share its water conservation, purification, reclamation, creation and desalination abilities with the Arab world, yes, the world would be a different place. But now, it is more popular to blame Israel for as many world problems as possible and water fits into the fabricated blame Israel narrative.

It seems that the National Geographic exhibit and the Annenberg Photography Museum fell into the “blame Israel” narrative. They have chosen to not look at the facts and to deal with the real story

Perhaps someday, National Geographic and the Annenberg museum will remove its anti-Israel political slander and will give recognition to the fact that Israel excels as one of the top world leaders in protecting, preserving and expanding fresh water resources and ensuring fresh water for generations to come.

I know it would take some courage to tell the facts versus purporting the popular narrative. It will be your challenge to adjust your policies and to arrive at that position.

Daryl Temkin, Ph.D.
Israel Institute for the Advancement of Alternative Energy

Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement of Alternative Energy. For more information, Please go to

Monday, April 26, 2010


An on-campus group at UC San Diego has drafted a resolution to divest funds from Israel. ***THIS WEDNESDAY, 4/28 at 6pm*** the ASUCSD will attempt to pass a resolution of divestment from companies who do business with Israel, similar to the bill we saw at Berkeley.


You can also spread the word via this facebook event:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why I Celebrate Israel Independence Day!

Firstly, consder the region without a Jewish State. The Holy Land would be defiled with a muslim philosophy that treats women and children like chattel, forces genital mutilation on infant and adolesent girls, endorses honor-killings, and considers civil rights a non-starter. Oh, and of course, such a region would be Judenrein, a policy that many of the muftis and Palestinian apologists would love to implement today.

Consider the condition of Yemenite Muslim girls. Arranged marriages made as early as nine-years-old! Almost all of them are raped, and if they manage to get pregnant at the nubile age of 11 or 12, no abortions allowed and many of them bleed to death on the "birthing stool!" In Sudan, Muslims conduct a brisk, prosperous slave-trade. Prominent Saudi sheiks keep African slave families in bondage for generations! Such would be the nature of a 22nd Arab state, had God not allowed the founding of the third Jewish commonwealth.

Going through the Qur'an, already in the first sura one encounters a problem, which is not easily reconciled. The book says that Allah leads the Muslim people "in the way of justice, not the way of those with whom he's angry." According to conventional interpretation these are the Jews. During his time Muhammad was in contact with the Jewish people and he probably knew their history quite well. It is a history of losing their homeland, losing their own identity. In fact, the Torah confirms this as well when we read the rebukes and warnings found in Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy). Exile and loss of our homeland is a consequence of idolatry and moral backsliding of the Jewish people. Very fertile fodder for the Qur'an's anti-Jewish grist mill.

Consequently, simplistic Muslim thinking teaches that God's anger results in banishment to exile, and conversely – it would be God's good will if the Jews could return. Muhammad knew the Jewish history and reflects it in his first sura. However, he speaks only of the God's anger. Obviously, when the State of Israel came to existence a paradoxical problem materialized. It was such an unexpected event that the (divinely inspired?) Qur'an didn't anticipate it in any way. According to the logic of the first sura (which is recited several times a day by pious Muslims worldwide in prayer) the Jews should never occupy a country of their own and should always remain exiled in the diaspora.

However, reality is so much more exciting than fiction (a common theme of Muslim writings). In 1948, three hours before my grandfather passed on, the State of Israel was founded. The stage of seeking Jewish geographic identity came to an end. The mere foundation of the state of Israel puts the entire Qur'an, in question. Despite the fact that God is supposed to be angry with us, we Jews have our own state among states. At this point a conflict appears – a conflict between reality and sort of an illusion stated by the Qur'an. The Israeli state stabs Islam in its most vulnerable underbelly - the veracity of the Qur'an.

Palestinian Muslims pray to Allah to lead them the right way of justice and to rid them of the Jews. Simultaneously, only a (quite literal) stone-throw away, we Jews have our summer resorts, hotels, houses of worship, thriving settlements and western-styled supermarkets. But most importantly, we have our State, for which the Palestinians can only pine. Do you notice the paradox? No longer can God's wrath be "measured" by having or not having a state. Hence the conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian people. It is a conflict between Judaism and Islam. All else is illusion. The mere existence of our Israeli state proves Islam wrong, period! To this I say, tough luck! I realize that if the Muslims accepted its existence they would betray their own identity based on Qur'an. The hostile foreign policy of most Arabic countries to the state of Israel is based on this point alone.

Several great rabbinic leaders acknowledge the Hand of Hashem to allow secular elements to be given the "Zechut" to establish the medina, as a precursor for the eventual reinstatement of the malchus beis David. The Nations of the World, with it's myopic bias against Torah and Judaism, would never have countenanced and acquiesced to handing the Land over to the Chofetz Chaim, Hazon Ish, or Rabbi Feinstein, ZT'L. So, in His infinite wisdom this is how He orchestrated it and eventually we will all discern the wisdom of it all. Even though we wait, there is no doubt we are living on the "heals" of Moshiach, who's imminent arrival is unimpeded by anything man or nature can throw at him; neither flawed Islamic theology nor Icelandic volcanic ash! Mazal Tov Israel on your 62nd birthday!

Monday, April 19, 2010

67 words to say "Happy Birthday Israel"

Dear Friends,

Israel turns 62. Since her day of birth there has been a constant attempt to destroy her existence. Miracle after miracle, day after day, against massive odds, Israel continues to live, thrive and give great gifts to the world. Despite Europe selling out, America acting hostile, Iran’s atomic bomb, and the neighbor’s missiles and terrorists, Israel lives.

Am Yisrael Chai.

May the Nation of Israel Always Live!

Blessings, celebrations and victories to all!!!

Daryl Temkin, PhD


Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement of Alternative Energy. For more information, Please go to

A letter to the UK's Advertising Standards Authority - Israel Travel Brochues

The ASA ( Advertising Standards Authority ) is the UK independent watchdog ( not a part of the UK government ) that in its wisdom has decided to respond to an Israeli Tourist Office (ITO) press campaign which includes pictures of East Jerusalem by banning it - they have judged that Jerusalem is not part of Israel but “Occupied Territory.” The ASA have decided, on the basis of single complaint, to take the opportunity, "after much investigation," to state that Jerusalem is “Occupied Territory," and that ITO have misrepresented the facts, and been untruthful in including the photo of The Kotel as part of Israel. However, ASA has OK’s the use of the poster, if it states that the Kotel is occupied!!!!!

The photograph in question shows both the Kotel (the most sacred Jewish symbol, the remaining wall of the second Temple) and The Dome of The Rock. During the last 3000 years Jerusalem - King David's City - has been the historical capital, spiritual & religious home for the Jewish people as well as of immense religious significance to Christianity & the Muslim Religion. Since 1967 similar photos as the one that has been banned, has been featured in every single travel brochure promoting Israel as a holiday destination or a pilgrimage.

April 16, 2010

Dear UK Advertising Standards Authority,

I strongly oppose the UK Advertising Standard Authority demand that the Kotel, the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, is no longer in Israel and no Israeli travel brochure can advertise a Western Wall visit.

How absurd!

You believe one actually leaves Israel upon entering the Western Wall area? Has there ever been a street sign alerting anyone to that claim?

Odd that there are no passport control stations? For the past 43 years, did someone forget to set them up? When did the enemy neighboring countries agree to a "passport free zone" without receiving Nobel Peace Prizes?

Now, if someone goes to the Western Wall, where do you think they are? Clearly not in 3,062 year old Jewish Jerusalem. Maybe since the Jordanians still have influence on the Temple Mount, you think the country which for years trashed the Kotel area will advertise the Western Wall as a tour highlight? Maybe you are nostalgic for the days when the British occupied the Old City? I expect you consider the area to be Fatah "Palestine" which claims its intent is to destroy the Western Wall.

What police force comes to takes care of all problems at the Western Wall area? What fire truck comes to help in an emergency? Which country sends its ambulances? Where does the water and electricity come from? Who repairs the damages? Who keeps the area washed, cleaned, and who picks up the trash?

Gee, it's all Israeli services.
How nice that Israel provide all these services apparently free of charge to a stealth government.

You don't accept the over four decade political annexation of Jerusalem or the over 3000 years of archeological history. You believe that it is Fatah Palestine who owns the Western Wall because illusions need no historical or political support.

You would have more credibility if you demanded that a tour brochure of America could not include and advertise a visit to Hollywood or Disneyland.


Daryl Temkin, PhD


Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement
of Alternative Energy. For more information, Please go to

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Fight Anti-Semitism at UC Berkley!"

The University of California Berkeley Student Senate has accused the
state of Israel of war crimes and is attacking companies that support Israel. On
March 17, the Student Senate passed a resolution that the University should
divest itself of any companies in which it owns stock that does business with
Israel. On March 24th, the Student Body President of UC Berkeley vetoed
the bill. The President called the resolution: “a symbolic attack on a specific
community” that is “being used as a tool to delegitimize Israel.”

The Student Senate plans to override the veto on April 14th. The Student Senate
is currently receiving comments against investing in Israel 50 to 1! I
strongly urge everyone to add your voice in support of Israel. This can be
done by a simple mouse click, using standards emails pre-prepared for you, by
going to

The Following is the text of my letter, emailed to USC Student
Senate, and USC Student Body President earlier today.


April 12, 2010

Dear UC Berkeley President Smelko,

I am very pleased and impressed that you stood up and vetoed the Berkeley
Student Government vote to divest university funds from companies connected
to Israel and Israeli products. Hopefully, this Wednesday's student
government attempt to overturn your veto will not succeed.

Are the divestment students and their supporters planning to unplug most all the
university computers systems which likely run due to Israeli developed
technology, to give up their Israeli engineered laptop and desktop computers, to
boycott California's Israeli made solar energy fields, to boycott the Israeli
electric car innovations, to refuse to drink desalinated, purified and disease
free water due to Israeli filtration, to insist that no water be recycled
because Israel leads the world in water reclamation, to prevent California
farmers from using Israeli drip irrigation and return to wasting billions of
gallons of scarce fresh water on the old flood irrigation method, to trash their
Israeli technology cell phones, Israeli developed instant messaging, camera
phones, and computer jump drives, and to give up all Israeli innovations in
medical technology which will likely keep their family members living through
life threatening diseases? Then these "forward thinking" Israeli divestment
cheerleaders will demand to take down the nation's Israeli engineered and
trained airport security systems.

The Palestinian Arab leadership daily preaches that it wants Israel destroyed
and removed from history. Israeli leadership daily preaches that it wants
to live in peace with its neighbors. Why do the Berkeley divestment
students support in the name of "peace" those who want Israel destroyed and cast
a blind and hate filled eye to those who are actively helping the Arabs live
better lives?

Thank you for standing up against the tide of student, faculty and community
pressure which has gotten lost in a deluge of deluded causes.


Daryl Temkin, Ph.D.

Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement
of Alternative Energy.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama's Hospitality: A Question of Character | By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

This Monday President Obama hosts his second White House seder in as many years. As a Jewish American I am grateful to the President for highlighting the festival of Jewish emancipation and peoplehood. But given a choice, I would readily forego the White House Manischewitz in exchange for an end to the bitter herbs the President is dishing out to Israel. Publicly shunning the Israeli Prime Minister and privately berating him is not going to be forgiven because of gefilte fish and matza balls. You want to show American Jewry some respect, Mr. President, then stop treating the elected leader of the Jewish state like Pharaoh.

I received my own lesson this week about how to treat those with whom you sharply disagree. I was in Italy to promote the Italian translation of my book The Michael Jackson Tapes. Gary Krupp, the New York-based Jewish papal knight of whom I had been sharply critical for defending Pius XII, went out of his way to arrange for me to be invited to the Vatican to see documents relating to Pius’ pontificate. When I arrived, just one week before good Friday, although the Vatican was under siege with international press reports of pedophile priests, Monsignor Livio Poloniato, who works in the Cardinal Secretary of State’s office, gave me hours of his time to show me around. Here I was, an unrelenting critic for over a decade of a Pope whom the Holy See is seeking to canonize. Yet, the high-ranking Priests I met could not have been friendlier. From Msgr. Fortunatus Nwachukwu, who is Chief of Vatican Protocol, to American members of the curia who have lived away from home for twenty years, everyone I met showed kindness and warmth. The visit did not change my view of Pius XII, whom I continue to view as guilty of the foremost moral omission of the twentieth century in refusing to even once speak out against the holocaust. But it did get me thinking.

As I walked the streets of Rome over the Sabbath, I contrasted the warm welcome accorded a leading Papal critic with that of President Obama’s disdainful treatment of the democratically-elected leader of the Jewish State, Binyamin Netanyahu. If the reports are true and President Obama got up and left in middle of his meeting with Netanyahu at the White House, derisively telling him he was going to have dinner with his family and telling the Prime Minister to ‘get back to me if you have anything new,’ then as an American I am ashamed of our President’s behavior. As a Jew I am scandalized by his contempt. Yes, having dinner with your kids is very important and constitutes the main objective behind my national ‘Turn Friday Night Into Family Night’ initiative. But to use your kids as an excuse to treat a guest like garbage is repellant and constitutes a terrible lesson to the children.

And all this because the President so readily dismisses the Jewish insistence on holding on to a capitol we established three thousand years ago and have prayed to return to thrice daily ever since the Romans forcibly ejected us in the year 70.

There was a time, not long ago, when, while disagreeing with many of the President’s policies, I found him inspiring. Here was a man who never had the love of a father who overcame immense obstacles to emerge temperate, committed to the common good, and a devoted husband and father. As a lover of great oratory I was moved the President’s eloquence and passion. I penned a much-circulated column praising his decision to stop using the name Barrie and return to his given name, Barack. I wrote that all Jews – who so often hide their identities by changing their names – should learn pride from our President.

Sadly, I am now beginning to question Obama’s very character. Am I to look up to a President who treats Netanyahu like a Mexican cartel kingpin, refusing to greet him publicly, share a press conference, or even take a single picture with him? Is our president ignorant of basic manners? Perhaps we should be grateful that the President even allowed Netanyahu into the country. Since the Arabs are famously celebrated for their hospitality, perhaps on his next meeting with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia President Obama can skip the bow and inquire instead as to how to treat a guest.

Remember the way the President treated the Dalai Lama this past February? Fearing upsetting the bullying Chinese, Obama similarly refused to publicly greet a fellow Nobel Peace laureate whom the world regards as its foremost humanitarian. No pictures, no press conference, no public welcome. To cap it off, he made the leader of Tibet leave through a staff kitchen entrance that was strewn with giant bags of garbage.

All this reinforces my growing suspicion that President Obama not only lacks a commitment to a moral foreign policy that champions freedom and democracy, but, when you cross him, even a commitment to basic courtesy. Cross the man and all that charm turns to ice.

I hope that as the President reads the words of the Haggadah this year he will focus on the very last line of the evening. It’s just four words, easy to remember, and it’s something the Jews have been saying six hundreds years before Islam came into existence. “Next year in Jerusalem.”

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is the founder of This World: The Values Network. He has just published ‘The Blessing of Enough: Rejecting Material Greed, Embracing Spiritual Hunger.

Pesach 2010: From Enslavement to Liberation and Back Again?

Living with a 5,770 year old tradition may not always seem contemporary. However, it is surprising and even shocking how often the ancient tradition becomes profoundly relevant to the current moment.

Passover, based on the Book of Exodus, tells a revealing story of human enslavement. It starts from a premise that is challenging to understand. How could the People of Israel which was clearly credited for having saved ancient Egypt from vast impoverishment, massive starvation and possible total annihilation, be suddenly transformed from a praised people into an enslaved nation?

The answer is given in one short biblical statement found in the opening verses of the Exodus text. “There arose a new king in Egypt who no longer knew Joseph”. Joseph, the leader of the Jewish People, who lifted Egypt to its height of power and “world domination” was conveniently forgotten, dismissed and erased. Pharaoh thought that by removing or disabling the “Jewish obstacle” the doors would be wide open for him to become ultimate power/god of the world.

Pharaoh yearned to attain the popularity of the masses and his association with the Israelite nation was no longer in his best interests. His defense against the Jews was to gradually destroy their credibility by fostering a series of believable demeaning fabricated stories. This step was followed by placing further restrictions upon the Israelites and demanding additional concessions.

Pharaoh’s powerful charisma and eloquence were able to convince not only the Egyptian populace but even an extremely high number of Jews that the Israelite enslavement was a benefit to all. His orations were so successful that most Jews when given the choice of freedom or enslavement opted to remain as slaves.

Pharaoh understood that dictatorial success comes by thinking for others, telling others what is good for them, teaching others that they have no right or power to reach for their own destiny and to determine their own future.

Confusion set in and many people couldn’t tell that there was a moral difference between Moses and Pharaoh. In many minds, Egypt the society that praised “death” was held superior to Israel, a society that fostered “life”. This extreme confusion led to the famous “Ninth Plague”, the Plague of Darkness. It was darkness that filled the world with moral confusion and it was Israel that was tasked to lead the world out of “darkness and death” into a world of “light and life”.

As it turned out, Pharaoh’s aim to debase, defame and wipe the Jewish people out of existence only backfired. Instead of ultimately destroying the Jews, his own destruction came forth along with the demise of ancient Egypt.

Passover is to celebrate that enslavement was reversed and liberation emerged with a victory of life over death and good over evil.

But then, there is a chilling occurrence that can follow the victory of liberation.

The post liberation crisis is an awkward development which works to dismember the victory of liberation and empower the exact forces that threaten liberty’s future. The challenge of living in freedom is that it is easy to forget and to lose an understanding of just how dangerous and pernicious enslavement is. The comfort of freedom can seep to a level where the core values of liberty can become totally diminished and even dismissed.

The Exodus narrative begins with enslavement and ends with liberation. Our job is to always remember the great value of liberty. It is too easy to become complacent and then suddenly discover that enslavement is gaining the upper hand.

The text reads that in every generation there arises a force that sets forth to destroy us. These words are a warning that one must never take freedom for granted. It must be understood that liberty is continually under attack and that moral confusion threatens to fill the world. Moral confusion is when evil is praised, given a “pass”, excused and rationalized and in contrast, good is heavily criticized and dramatically scorned for a possible pin point of imperfection.

This year, the Seder’s ending phrase, “Next Year In Jerusalem” will perhaps have more meaning than it has had for the past number of decades. It appears that “liberation” and “Jerusalem” have an eternal connection. Both are not to be taken lightly because both can easily be taken away and destroyed. The loss of either means dire consequences to the entire world.

The relevance of the Passover Seder has the ability to startle one who was expecting to read only an ancient story. As one commemorates the leaving of Egypt and the victory over forced enslavement, one may suddenly realize that the course of history doesn’t always advance. At times, there can be gross regression and a revisiting of the same pain filled issues of moral confusion. It is up to us to make sure that liberty wins and that enslavement is not allowed to score a repeated victory.

Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement of Alternative Energy.