Monday, April 26, 2010


An on-campus group at UC San Diego has drafted a resolution to divest funds from Israel. ***THIS WEDNESDAY, 4/28 at 6pm*** the ASUCSD will attempt to pass a resolution of divestment from companies who do business with Israel, similar to the bill we saw at Berkeley.


You can also spread the word via this facebook event:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why I Celebrate Israel Independence Day!

Firstly, consder the region without a Jewish State. The Holy Land would be defiled with a muslim philosophy that treats women and children like chattel, forces genital mutilation on infant and adolesent girls, endorses honor-killings, and considers civil rights a non-starter. Oh, and of course, such a region would be Judenrein, a policy that many of the muftis and Palestinian apologists would love to implement today.

Consider the condition of Yemenite Muslim girls. Arranged marriages made as early as nine-years-old! Almost all of them are raped, and if they manage to get pregnant at the nubile age of 11 or 12, no abortions allowed and many of them bleed to death on the "birthing stool!" In Sudan, Muslims conduct a brisk, prosperous slave-trade. Prominent Saudi sheiks keep African slave families in bondage for generations! Such would be the nature of a 22nd Arab state, had God not allowed the founding of the third Jewish commonwealth.

Going through the Qur'an, already in the first sura one encounters a problem, which is not easily reconciled. The book says that Allah leads the Muslim people "in the way of justice, not the way of those with whom he's angry." According to conventional interpretation these are the Jews. During his time Muhammad was in contact with the Jewish people and he probably knew their history quite well. It is a history of losing their homeland, losing their own identity. In fact, the Torah confirms this as well when we read the rebukes and warnings found in Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy). Exile and loss of our homeland is a consequence of idolatry and moral backsliding of the Jewish people. Very fertile fodder for the Qur'an's anti-Jewish grist mill.

Consequently, simplistic Muslim thinking teaches that God's anger results in banishment to exile, and conversely – it would be God's good will if the Jews could return. Muhammad knew the Jewish history and reflects it in his first sura. However, he speaks only of the God's anger. Obviously, when the State of Israel came to existence a paradoxical problem materialized. It was such an unexpected event that the (divinely inspired?) Qur'an didn't anticipate it in any way. According to the logic of the first sura (which is recited several times a day by pious Muslims worldwide in prayer) the Jews should never occupy a country of their own and should always remain exiled in the diaspora.

However, reality is so much more exciting than fiction (a common theme of Muslim writings). In 1948, three hours before my grandfather passed on, the State of Israel was founded. The stage of seeking Jewish geographic identity came to an end. The mere foundation of the state of Israel puts the entire Qur'an, in question. Despite the fact that God is supposed to be angry with us, we Jews have our own state among states. At this point a conflict appears – a conflict between reality and sort of an illusion stated by the Qur'an. The Israeli state stabs Islam in its most vulnerable underbelly - the veracity of the Qur'an.

Palestinian Muslims pray to Allah to lead them the right way of justice and to rid them of the Jews. Simultaneously, only a (quite literal) stone-throw away, we Jews have our summer resorts, hotels, houses of worship, thriving settlements and western-styled supermarkets. But most importantly, we have our State, for which the Palestinians can only pine. Do you notice the paradox? No longer can God's wrath be "measured" by having or not having a state. Hence the conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian people. It is a conflict between Judaism and Islam. All else is illusion. The mere existence of our Israeli state proves Islam wrong, period! To this I say, tough luck! I realize that if the Muslims accepted its existence they would betray their own identity based on Qur'an. The hostile foreign policy of most Arabic countries to the state of Israel is based on this point alone.

Several great rabbinic leaders acknowledge the Hand of Hashem to allow secular elements to be given the "Zechut" to establish the medina, as a precursor for the eventual reinstatement of the malchus beis David. The Nations of the World, with it's myopic bias against Torah and Judaism, would never have countenanced and acquiesced to handing the Land over to the Chofetz Chaim, Hazon Ish, or Rabbi Feinstein, ZT'L. So, in His infinite wisdom this is how He orchestrated it and eventually we will all discern the wisdom of it all. Even though we wait, there is no doubt we are living on the "heals" of Moshiach, who's imminent arrival is unimpeded by anything man or nature can throw at him; neither flawed Islamic theology nor Icelandic volcanic ash! Mazal Tov Israel on your 62nd birthday!

Monday, April 19, 2010

67 words to say "Happy Birthday Israel"

Dear Friends,

Israel turns 62. Since her day of birth there has been a constant attempt to destroy her existence. Miracle after miracle, day after day, against massive odds, Israel continues to live, thrive and give great gifts to the world. Despite Europe selling out, America acting hostile, Iran’s atomic bomb, and the neighbor’s missiles and terrorists, Israel lives.

Am Yisrael Chai.

May the Nation of Israel Always Live!

Blessings, celebrations and victories to all!!!

Daryl Temkin, PhD


Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement of Alternative Energy. For more information, Please go to

A letter to the UK's Advertising Standards Authority - Israel Travel Brochues

The ASA ( Advertising Standards Authority ) is the UK independent watchdog ( not a part of the UK government ) that in its wisdom has decided to respond to an Israeli Tourist Office (ITO) press campaign which includes pictures of East Jerusalem by banning it - they have judged that Jerusalem is not part of Israel but “Occupied Territory.” The ASA have decided, on the basis of single complaint, to take the opportunity, "after much investigation," to state that Jerusalem is “Occupied Territory," and that ITO have misrepresented the facts, and been untruthful in including the photo of The Kotel as part of Israel. However, ASA has OK’s the use of the poster, if it states that the Kotel is occupied!!!!!

The photograph in question shows both the Kotel (the most sacred Jewish symbol, the remaining wall of the second Temple) and The Dome of The Rock. During the last 3000 years Jerusalem - King David's City - has been the historical capital, spiritual & religious home for the Jewish people as well as of immense religious significance to Christianity & the Muslim Religion. Since 1967 similar photos as the one that has been banned, has been featured in every single travel brochure promoting Israel as a holiday destination or a pilgrimage.

April 16, 2010

Dear UK Advertising Standards Authority,

I strongly oppose the UK Advertising Standard Authority demand that the Kotel, the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, is no longer in Israel and no Israeli travel brochure can advertise a Western Wall visit.

How absurd!

You believe one actually leaves Israel upon entering the Western Wall area? Has there ever been a street sign alerting anyone to that claim?

Odd that there are no passport control stations? For the past 43 years, did someone forget to set them up? When did the enemy neighboring countries agree to a "passport free zone" without receiving Nobel Peace Prizes?

Now, if someone goes to the Western Wall, where do you think they are? Clearly not in 3,062 year old Jewish Jerusalem. Maybe since the Jordanians still have influence on the Temple Mount, you think the country which for years trashed the Kotel area will advertise the Western Wall as a tour highlight? Maybe you are nostalgic for the days when the British occupied the Old City? I expect you consider the area to be Fatah "Palestine" which claims its intent is to destroy the Western Wall.

What police force comes to takes care of all problems at the Western Wall area? What fire truck comes to help in an emergency? Which country sends its ambulances? Where does the water and electricity come from? Who repairs the damages? Who keeps the area washed, cleaned, and who picks up the trash?

Gee, it's all Israeli services.
How nice that Israel provide all these services apparently free of charge to a stealth government.

You don't accept the over four decade political annexation of Jerusalem or the over 3000 years of archeological history. You believe that it is Fatah Palestine who owns the Western Wall because illusions need no historical or political support.

You would have more credibility if you demanded that a tour brochure of America could not include and advertise a visit to Hollywood or Disneyland.


Daryl Temkin, PhD


Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement
of Alternative Energy. For more information, Please go to

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Fight Anti-Semitism at UC Berkley!"

The University of California Berkeley Student Senate has accused the
state of Israel of war crimes and is attacking companies that support Israel. On
March 17, the Student Senate passed a resolution that the University should
divest itself of any companies in which it owns stock that does business with
Israel. On March 24th, the Student Body President of UC Berkeley vetoed
the bill. The President called the resolution: “a symbolic attack on a specific
community” that is “being used as a tool to delegitimize Israel.”

The Student Senate plans to override the veto on April 14th. The Student Senate
is currently receiving comments against investing in Israel 50 to 1! I
strongly urge everyone to add your voice in support of Israel. This can be
done by a simple mouse click, using standards emails pre-prepared for you, by
going to

The Following is the text of my letter, emailed to USC Student
Senate, and USC Student Body President earlier today.


April 12, 2010

Dear UC Berkeley President Smelko,

I am very pleased and impressed that you stood up and vetoed the Berkeley
Student Government vote to divest university funds from companies connected
to Israel and Israeli products. Hopefully, this Wednesday's student
government attempt to overturn your veto will not succeed.

Are the divestment students and their supporters planning to unplug most all the
university computers systems which likely run due to Israeli developed
technology, to give up their Israeli engineered laptop and desktop computers, to
boycott California's Israeli made solar energy fields, to boycott the Israeli
electric car innovations, to refuse to drink desalinated, purified and disease
free water due to Israeli filtration, to insist that no water be recycled
because Israel leads the world in water reclamation, to prevent California
farmers from using Israeli drip irrigation and return to wasting billions of
gallons of scarce fresh water on the old flood irrigation method, to trash their
Israeli technology cell phones, Israeli developed instant messaging, camera
phones, and computer jump drives, and to give up all Israeli innovations in
medical technology which will likely keep their family members living through
life threatening diseases? Then these "forward thinking" Israeli divestment
cheerleaders will demand to take down the nation's Israeli engineered and
trained airport security systems.

The Palestinian Arab leadership daily preaches that it wants Israel destroyed
and removed from history. Israeli leadership daily preaches that it wants
to live in peace with its neighbors. Why do the Berkeley divestment
students support in the name of "peace" those who want Israel destroyed and cast
a blind and hate filled eye to those who are actively helping the Arabs live
better lives?

Thank you for standing up against the tide of student, faculty and community
pressure which has gotten lost in a deluge of deluded causes.


Daryl Temkin, Ph.D.

Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement
of Alternative Energy.