Monday, June 7, 2010

Helen Thomas Auditions for Schindler’s List | By: Daryl Temkin, Ph.D.

Stephen Spielberg’s masterpiece production, Schindler’s List, highlighted the scene of a young German child who with force and gladness screams at the line of deported Jews, “Good bye Jews!” meaning, “Jews get out of Europe”. Where did the Nazi sympathizing Europeans expect the Jews to go? To Palestine, a place that even Europe at that time related to as the birthplace and homeland of the Jews.

Today’s “modern prophet” Helen Thomas, a seasoned 50 year front row seated White House press veteran was interviewed after attending a Jewish history program. When asked how she felt about the Jews, she proudly proclaimed, “Jews, get out of Palestine! It’s not your land. Go to where you come from, Germany, Poland…”

How is it that Helen Thomas, an “educated open minded thinker” is ignorant as to where the Jews are from? A place called Judea, the land of the Jews, is the very place that Helen Thomas refuses to understand has anything to do with Jewish origins. According to Thomas and her cronies, “Judea”, the place named for being the “Jew’s land” should be vanquished of Jews, Judenrined. Thomas implies that it is a land only for Arabs who have no historic roots besides effective and pervasive propaganda.

Where is home for the Jews? According to Helen Thomas, Europe, the lands famous for acting upon the “Jews Get Out” premise, the lands of Kristalnacht riots, of mass deportations, Nuremberg Laws, slave labor camps, concentration camps and death camps.

In spite of the waves of anti-Israel confusion which have filled the media, most thinking minds still have a memory that Germany and the European continent is not the home of the Jews. In fact, the European continent is facing an unprecedented rise in radical Islam and has once again achieved the highest record breaking statistics for anti-Semitic activities since the Nazi era.

Thomas articulates the noxious Arab narrative which claims that the Jews belong in Europe and not in the Middle East. This is the language of Hamas and Holocaust denying Iranian President Ahmadinejad. Will the next video of Helen Thomas be her comments questioning the authenticity of the Holocaust?

As an East Coast “intellectual”, Helen Thomas proudly shows her true colors of ignorance, bias and yes, anti-Semitism. It is soon to be seen whether liberal minded American thinkers will have the courage to respond to Helen Thomas with shock and scorn or will they be silent, cover up the story and give her a pass?

Helen Thomas’s response is directed at advancing the end of Jewish life in contrast to what the State of Israel has accomplished, a rebirth of the Jewish people and their ability to contribute to the world.

Helen, your true self audition for the Schindler List character was well executed and is only in competition with the Mel Gibson performance. However, although this might be painful for you to accept, after a 2,000 year exile, the Jews have come home and it is their only home, Israel.

Below is the YouTubee broadcast of the interview with Helen Thomas


Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement of Alternative Energy, which is devoted to teaching the world about the “clean energy” innovations that have come forth from Israel to free humankind from global oil dependency. The Israel Institute is a not for profit, 501c3 organization. Tax deductible contributions can be given through the website:

Or call: 310.508.0950.

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