Friday, June 11, 2010

EMERGENCY ACTION ALERT | No Entry Visas to the "Flotilla" Passengers for Speaking Tours in the US


It has been announced that a number of passengers from the so-called "Flotilla" plan to speak in New York City in the coming weeks.

According to Section 212 of the Immigration and Naturalization Act, the State Department may deny visas to representatives of and those providing assistance to terrorist organizations.

The petition accessed through the following link:, urges the US Department of State to investigate any and all of the passengers of the Mavi Marmara and other ships from Turkey’s IHH flotilla who apply for visas to enter the United States on a speaking tour, and deny them entry visas, based on the statues cited above.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dear Klal Yisrael,... | By: Zehava Akinadé

Dear כלל ישראל,

Due to certain events that are occurring in our community, I have taken it upon myself to write this letter. This is not solely a letter of complaint, but it is also a letter for the purpose of distributing valuable information and courtesies I feel are needed in our community today. Although satirical in nature, I do write with utmost sincerity. As a Nigerian-American Jew, or a Jew of color in our community, I feel there are some issues that I would personally like to address. I will not be addressing all of the issues, but at least a few to get the mind thinking and the good middos rolling.

First, I would like to address not only the issue of general politeness, but also of halacha. I understand that for some it is very interesting, or “unique,” to meet a Jew of color, but one must understand that it is rude and halachically unacceptable to personally interrogate with every Jew you meet. Furthermore, not every Jew of color is a convert, and even if they are, halachically speaking, you are in no way allowed to ask a convert (of color or otherwise), their story, their past, or anything that reminds them that they are a convert. Additionally, what makes one think that within 30 seconds of meeting someone, a convert would want to open up and tell you their whole life story? Why would they be comfortable revealing the fine details of what made them decide to convert, and how they became interested in Yiddishkeit to begin with, to someone they just met? It is especially rude to ask while your children are staring and pointing at this new person during davening as if they have never seen a person of color in their life before, while you try to have an allegedly deep conversation. This only adds to the awkwardness of the situation for the interrogated. Instead, it is perhaps better to reconsider how or if you have taught your children proper manners. Also, for some reason people think that it is a short, simple story. If it took someone their entire lifetime, thus far, to find their truth, why imply that it is a tale easily summed up in a three-minute story by putting them on the spot under very awkward circumstances?

Next, it appears most individuals assume that converts don’t know anything. If one takes time to think on this, it should really be a very simple realization: if one has an interest in something, especially a challenging all-encompassing life changing interest such as converting to Orthodox Judaism which takes years of learning, living, and studying subject by subject, halacha by halacha, where that person then has to go in front of an ultra-orthodox Beis Din (so there are no questions about if you are really Jewish or not). Given this, what makes one think a convert wouldn’t know even the basics? So next time you want to tell me that I should move to Israel because there are a lot of “my people” there and you and I can meet you at the Kotel which is “this big wall where lots of people daven, which means to pray”… You might want to save it. Because trust me, in my head I am thinking, you and I aren’t meeting anywhere. Not the Kotel, not the 770, not even the shwarma place down the street

The last on my list, and the biggest irritant for me so far, is after you have already come up to me and asked me “Excuse me? Are you Jewish? Are you a convert? Are you married?” all in less then 45 seconds, and then you tell me “I see, well I think I know a guy for you” all I can think of is “HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW?” What does that even mean, and by the way, what was your name again? Honestly, do you really think you are doing me a favor when you come up to me and say, “Hey I think I know someone for you, he’s black, and he’s religious…” and I say “Well, what else do you know about him? What does he do for a living? Where is he from? How old is he? Did he go to yeshivah? Who does he hold by?” and you have no idea and look at me like I’m insane. Then, maybe, just maybe, only knowing that he is black and religious doesn’t help, especially when you have no idea what I and probably what he is looking for. I mean let’s give an example. If you went up to a religious Ashkenazi girl and said, “Hey, I think I have a guy for you. He’s Ashkenazi, and he’s religious...” And that’s it. She is going to suggest that you should continue taking your medication regularly and don’t give up you day job to become a Shadchan. I understand their excitement at the idea that they were the one to set up this super ethnic hip Jewish couple. Oh, the novelty of it all. As if we probably don’t know each other already, being two out of the six black Jews in the neighborhood.

In the end, all I am really saying כלל ישראל, is that, we are all Jews. And as Jews we should be treated with the same respect and dignity as all other Jews, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Chassidic, Litvish, Modern, Mizrachi, Yemenite, African, Bukharian, Asian, Hispanic, Muppet, Converts, Baal Teshuvah, FFB, it doesn’t matter. And the sooner we realize this, the closer we will be to bringing Moshiach. Unity of the Jewish people matters. Should we all continue to break down our personal mental barriers and continue to embrace the diversity that the Jewish people have to offer. Let us all stand strong together as a nation, for many other nations want to see our destruction chas v’shalom. Let us all grow in our ahavas yisroel and continue to give each other chizuk so that we may ALL merit to see the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days!

Forever yours,

Zehava Akinadé

עם ישראל חי

Note: All examples above have actually occurred in my life by seemingly well meaning people.

"Even if you are not fully committed to a Torah life, do something. Begin with a mitzvah — any mitzvah — its value will not be diminished by the fact that there are others that you are not prepared to do"
- The Lubavitcher Rebbe

Monday, June 7, 2010

Helen Thomas Auditions for Schindler’s List | By: Daryl Temkin, Ph.D.

Stephen Spielberg’s masterpiece production, Schindler’s List, highlighted the scene of a young German child who with force and gladness screams at the line of deported Jews, “Good bye Jews!” meaning, “Jews get out of Europe”. Where did the Nazi sympathizing Europeans expect the Jews to go? To Palestine, a place that even Europe at that time related to as the birthplace and homeland of the Jews.

Today’s “modern prophet” Helen Thomas, a seasoned 50 year front row seated White House press veteran was interviewed after attending a Jewish history program. When asked how she felt about the Jews, she proudly proclaimed, “Jews, get out of Palestine! It’s not your land. Go to where you come from, Germany, Poland…”

How is it that Helen Thomas, an “educated open minded thinker” is ignorant as to where the Jews are from? A place called Judea, the land of the Jews, is the very place that Helen Thomas refuses to understand has anything to do with Jewish origins. According to Thomas and her cronies, “Judea”, the place named for being the “Jew’s land” should be vanquished of Jews, Judenrined. Thomas implies that it is a land only for Arabs who have no historic roots besides effective and pervasive propaganda.

Where is home for the Jews? According to Helen Thomas, Europe, the lands famous for acting upon the “Jews Get Out” premise, the lands of Kristalnacht riots, of mass deportations, Nuremberg Laws, slave labor camps, concentration camps and death camps.

In spite of the waves of anti-Israel confusion which have filled the media, most thinking minds still have a memory that Germany and the European continent is not the home of the Jews. In fact, the European continent is facing an unprecedented rise in radical Islam and has once again achieved the highest record breaking statistics for anti-Semitic activities since the Nazi era.

Thomas articulates the noxious Arab narrative which claims that the Jews belong in Europe and not in the Middle East. This is the language of Hamas and Holocaust denying Iranian President Ahmadinejad. Will the next video of Helen Thomas be her comments questioning the authenticity of the Holocaust?

As an East Coast “intellectual”, Helen Thomas proudly shows her true colors of ignorance, bias and yes, anti-Semitism. It is soon to be seen whether liberal minded American thinkers will have the courage to respond to Helen Thomas with shock and scorn or will they be silent, cover up the story and give her a pass?

Helen Thomas’s response is directed at advancing the end of Jewish life in contrast to what the State of Israel has accomplished, a rebirth of the Jewish people and their ability to contribute to the world.

Helen, your true self audition for the Schindler List character was well executed and is only in competition with the Mel Gibson performance. However, although this might be painful for you to accept, after a 2,000 year exile, the Jews have come home and it is their only home, Israel.

Below is the YouTubee broadcast of the interview with Helen Thomas


Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement of Alternative Energy, which is devoted to teaching the world about the “clean energy” innovations that have come forth from Israel to free humankind from global oil dependency. The Israel Institute is a not for profit, 501c3 organization. Tax deductible contributions can be given through the website:

Or call: 310.508.0950.

Friday, June 4, 2010

General Rule: Israel Can Never Be Right | By Daryl Temkin, Ph.D.

When will the world media and political leaders like Israel? Likely, only when Israel is significantly beaten, physically compromised and made virtually irrelevant. Since June , 1967, surviving and victorious Jews have not been worthy of positive recognition.

It was little surprise to hear Hillary Clinton and the US Administration join the UN’s condemnation of Israel who stopped the flotilla attempt to break the Gaza blockade. Hillary, who two months ago was furious that Israel plans in 2014 to build 1,600 Jerusalem apartments, would certainly blow forth her anger at Israel’s current self defense measures. She additionally went “overboard” and emphasized her recognition of the Gazan “humanitarian crisis”, a clear political ruse.

Sadly, the American administration’s action to support the pro-Hamas movement was beyond belief to many Americans. Yet, it is a symbol of the new America which has become lost in its race to be popular and beloved among the nations. Does America realize that in its attempt to be “moral” it endorsed anarchy as an acceptable standard for international behavior? America chose to support and embolden the Hamas terror organization whose ultimate cause is to destroy a sovereign nation.

No matter how correct Israel may ever be, the media and most world leaders have proven themselves to ignore the facts and quickly proclaim knee jerk anti-Israel responses. After all, how can a nation which is under constant delegitimizing attacks and ugly name calling ever be acknowledged in a positive light?

Israel classically gets portrayed as being wrong even when it is right or at best, gets ignored for being right. It was astonishing when the American President gave thanks to all the countries which came to aid the Haitian earthquake victims but he refused to acknowledge Israel, the country which not only led the life saving efforts long before all others but did the leading heroic tasks.

For the last number of years, Gaza has been armed through tunnels and ships smuggling supplies of ammunition and missiles. Israel along with Egypt established a blockade of Gaza. The “internationalists/humanists” conveniently ignore Egypt’s role with the Gaza blockage and only place full blame on Israel, deemed the exclusive illegitimate and oppressive force in the conflict. Notice it is Israel and not the Arab world which supplies the food, medicine and fuel for the Gazans.

The anti-Israel media was so extreme that I received a call from a person who was under the impression that Israel had attacked a hospital ship docked in Turkey’s port, killing many innocent patients. Imagine what it takes to extract the propaganda story and replace it with reality?

As Israel was globally defamed, the facts that the IDF soldiers experienced attempted lynchings didn’t matter. The fact that numerous deadly weapons were mixed in the cargo didn’t matter. The fact that many of the so called “humanitarians” were actually Hamas activists didn’t matter. The fact that at least 20 pre-made suicide martyrdom video tapes were found among the passengers, didn’t matter. The fact that the mission was not for humanitarian aid but was a bold attempt to defame and delegitimize Israel certainly didn’t matter.

The Los Angeles Jewish Journal report claimed Israel committed a “botched mission” because 10 “deadly club swinging humanitarians” died, the Israeli soldiers were not expecting the high level of violence, it was bad Israeli intelligence and it was a bad plan to use helicopters for placing soldiers on the ship with paint guns. Although the plan worked without violence on five of the six ships, the Jewish Journal reporter still felt entitled to labeled this a “botched mission”. The fact that all six ships were diverted form Gaza and the cargo got inspected and no IDF soldier died, was captured or went missing, it was still a botched mission. The fact that several handful of IDF soldiers managed to take control of over six hundred extremely hostile violent humanitarian passengers and not have to killed hundreds of them is a challenge to imagine how that was possible? But, still it is called a botched mission, as if there was a simple answer.

Furthermore, the Jewish Journal article cried that the “botched mission” included IDF film footage which was blurry. Too bad Stephen Spielberg’s camera crew was not hired the week before to film the event. It is clear that “uncomfortable” critics want a picture perfect result for all that Israel does, but in reality, for most journalists, Israel can do nothing right even if the picture was perfect.

Realize that even if not one person died on the flotilla, Israel would still have been internationally condemned. If the IDF came on the boat with huge machine guns, Israel would have been condemned. If Israel raced the Turkish boat with confronting ships forcing a turn, they would have been condemned. Those who claim that they could have planned it better and brought Israel positive PR are usually false messiahs and expert complainers who have never made a hard decision in their life.

One commentator claimed that Israel was guilty because they shot the first bullet. It didn’t matter that Israeli soldiers were being deadly clubbed. The first shot is what spells guilt. Being clubbed with iron bars and stabbed with long blade knives is inconsequential.

A Jew defending himself is what breaks the rules. Jews dying would be acceptable. Jews killing others in order to remain alive is the violation.

Even when Israel has done something with pure perfection, not one death, it is still criticized. Israel perfectly destroyed Iraq’s first nuclear reactor and the next day, even the US foolishly condemned Israel for saving the lives of untold millions.

In the past, the US leadership had the moral strength to veto outlandish UN anti-Israel resolutions. That era may have past. Now, the US has joined the world’s majority who is bent on extracting Israel from the world’s map and emboldening the face of radical Islamic movements.

In spite of the avalanche of anti-Israel media, polls show that the high majority of Americans understand that Israel is not evil. In amazement, many Americans seem to know that Israel is right even when the media defames the Jewish State.

Israel bashing for no matter what Israel does to try to keep the world safe, may be a popular sport for the media, political leaders, university faculty and students, but there is a world of people who see through the lies and are sick and tired of the falsehoods and deceptions which are being commonly demonstrated for the detriment of humankind.

This Sunday, at 2:00 P.M. in front of the Wilshire Blvd. Israel Consulate in Los Angeles, at Wilshire and La Jolla, there will be a demonstration in support of Israel. All are encouraged to attend.