Monday, April 19, 2010

A letter to the UK's Advertising Standards Authority - Israel Travel Brochues

The ASA ( Advertising Standards Authority ) is the UK independent watchdog ( not a part of the UK government ) that in its wisdom has decided to respond to an Israeli Tourist Office (ITO) press campaign which includes pictures of East Jerusalem by banning it - they have judged that Jerusalem is not part of Israel but “Occupied Territory.” The ASA have decided, on the basis of single complaint, to take the opportunity, "after much investigation," to state that Jerusalem is “Occupied Territory," and that ITO have misrepresented the facts, and been untruthful in including the photo of The Kotel as part of Israel. However, ASA has OK’s the use of the poster, if it states that the Kotel is occupied!!!!!

The photograph in question shows both the Kotel (the most sacred Jewish symbol, the remaining wall of the second Temple) and The Dome of The Rock. During the last 3000 years Jerusalem - King David's City - has been the historical capital, spiritual & religious home for the Jewish people as well as of immense religious significance to Christianity & the Muslim Religion. Since 1967 similar photos as the one that has been banned, has been featured in every single travel brochure promoting Israel as a holiday destination or a pilgrimage.

April 16, 2010

Dear UK Advertising Standards Authority,

I strongly oppose the UK Advertising Standard Authority demand that the Kotel, the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, is no longer in Israel and no Israeli travel brochure can advertise a Western Wall visit.

How absurd!

You believe one actually leaves Israel upon entering the Western Wall area? Has there ever been a street sign alerting anyone to that claim?

Odd that there are no passport control stations? For the past 43 years, did someone forget to set them up? When did the enemy neighboring countries agree to a "passport free zone" without receiving Nobel Peace Prizes?

Now, if someone goes to the Western Wall, where do you think they are? Clearly not in 3,062 year old Jewish Jerusalem. Maybe since the Jordanians still have influence on the Temple Mount, you think the country which for years trashed the Kotel area will advertise the Western Wall as a tour highlight? Maybe you are nostalgic for the days when the British occupied the Old City? I expect you consider the area to be Fatah "Palestine" which claims its intent is to destroy the Western Wall.

What police force comes to takes care of all problems at the Western Wall area? What fire truck comes to help in an emergency? Which country sends its ambulances? Where does the water and electricity come from? Who repairs the damages? Who keeps the area washed, cleaned, and who picks up the trash?

Gee, it's all Israeli services.
How nice that Israel provide all these services apparently free of charge to a stealth government.

You don't accept the over four decade political annexation of Jerusalem or the over 3000 years of archeological history. You believe that it is Fatah Palestine who owns the Western Wall because illusions need no historical or political support.

You would have more credibility if you demanded that a tour brochure of America could not include and advertise a visit to Hollywood or Disneyland.


Daryl Temkin, PhD


Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. is the founder of the Israel Institute for the Advancement
of Alternative Energy. For more information, Please go to

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