Sunday, February 21, 2010

A conversation with G - D (short story)


Dear G -D, why are there so many wars in this world?

Wars are man made.

Why is there so much suffering?

So you can be close to me.

By calling out to me.

Why did you create different religions?

Different paths for my children to climb the same mountain.

What do you mean?

You are all here on earth to find your individual ways of getting to know me.

But why are the paths so different?

Some paths are more challenging than others.


According to individual strengths.

Why is the path of the Jew the toughest?

You are my chosen.

Chosen for what, hatred?

No, chosen to bring light unto this world.


Touch another person's soul...

But why do people hate us Jews?

People will remain senseless.

How should I bring light into THEIR world?

By example.

What do you mean?

By living YOUR life the best way you possibly can.

But how do I know what is the BEST way for me?

Follow my guidelines, they are all written down.

Why can't you just tell me, plain and clear, what I should be doing?

This will take away your FREE WILL.

But you want me to live according to YOUR will, right?

Yes, but you must have that choice.

So why did you put all this temptation on earth?

These are tests you must pass.


So that you can earn your place in Heaven...

Why can't I find true and lasting love?

You look but you don't see.

Did I miss him?

There will always be another.

Will he be here soon?

Yes, but you must keep your heart open.

How do I do that?

Let go of the past, it was there to teach you, to prepare you....

I feel peaceful with you beside me, will you stay?

I am always here...

How can I be sure?

Trust me, my child, trust me, I'm here.

But when you don't answer?

I always answer.

Shh! You must trust me. You must let go of your doubt. I am here.I always was. Always am. And Always will be.Know this, in your heart and soul: you are a part of me, for I am the soul of all souls. I have sent you here for a purpose, but you must have the freedom to find that purpose on your own. You can cry on my shoulder when you need to, and I will always listen. You can seek me out for any questions, and I will always answer. But when you look for an answer, look and listen, with your heart. Your eyes will often deceive you...Peace be with you.

Thank you...
Remember, look and listen, with your heart.

By: Ilana Rogel

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure this wasn't inspired by post purim prosnostication, partially influenced by having previously imbibed generously in some adult beverages? Seriously, it's profound! Aaron Parry
