I came across this prayer a few weeks ago. I don’t know how to describe it, but it affects me in a positive way when I read it. I was compelled to share it with you all. It was put out by the Mill Basin Sepharadic Congregation Under the leadership of Rabbi Yirmi Levy. (anyone know where that is?)
I didn’t have an easy time translating it from Hebrew; I hope I didn’t make any big mistakes. If you would like the original Hebrew please contact me.
In the handout where I found it, it states that whomever says this prayer with sincerity will witness miracles…For me, the way it affects me was enough. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
I didn’t have an easy time translating it from Hebrew; I hope I didn’t make any big mistakes. If you would like the original Hebrew please contact me.
In the handout where I found it, it states that whomever says this prayer with sincerity will witness miracles…For me, the way it affects me was enough. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
King of Kings, Blessed Be Your Name, Master Of Universe, THANK YOU!
THANK YOU for the thousands upon thousands of instances when you helped me, supported me, saved me, delivered me, made me happy, healed me, protected me, and inspired me.

THANK YOU for always being with me!
THANK YOU for giving me the power to fulfill your commandments, power to do good deeds, the power to pray to you.
THANK YOU for all the times that you helped me and I didn’t know how to say THANK YOU.
THANK YOU for your grace and kindness that you impart on me each and every second.
THANK YOU for each and every breath that I breathe.
And THANK YOU, King of Kings, for all the things that I don’t have too! THANK YOU for the occasions I find hard and challenging. THANK YOU that sometimes things may end seemingly sad for me, because all that you do is for my good, even though it may not always seem so to me…
Deep in my heart I know that whatever that may reach from you to me, that is indeed what is best for me, that you made it especially for me, with your exact and perfect divine providence, only as the king of kings can do.
THANK YOU for the hard times, because only thus may I learn to appreciate the good times, just as one appreciates the light after having been in darkness.
THANK YOU for the wonderful life you have granted me.
THANK YOU for even for the very smallest of objects you have granted me, because you gave me everything, and no one else.
THANK YOU for always hearing and listening to my prayers.
Creator of the universe, from the very bottom of my heart I beg forgiveness if there have been times when I failed to appreciate what you have given me, and instead of saying THANK YOU I only complained.
I am dust and ashes and you are all that there is.
Please don’t ever distance yourself from me.