Monday, June 6, 2011

I LOVE YOU! | Posted by Minde

My Dearest,

I just had to sit down and write to remind you of something very important to me.


I saw you talking with your friends yesterday, and I so wanted you to talk to me also. I waited all day, but you never called. I hoped we could find the time to talk in the evening, but I know you had a lot of other things on your mind.

As your day drew to a close, I sent a cool breeze to make you feel refreshed after a long hard day. I put a special scent in the air from the flowers near the driveway, but I guess you didn't notice as you hurried ·by. I'm sad to see you rush so.

I saw you fall asleep last night and I so wanted to touch your face or stroke your hair, so I spilled a little moonlight on your face and Pillow.i-miss-you-1

When you awoke this morning, I hoped we could have a little time together. I so wanted to rush down and talk with you, but you had to hurry off to work; my tears were in the rain.

I have so many gifts for you, so much to tell you, so many wonderful things for you to experience because I love you so much. My nature is like that, you know.

Please call me, talk with me-- ask me for help.

I know the deepest desires of your heart and I so want to be close to you. My love for you is deeper than the oceans, greater than you can imagine. I long for us to share some time together; JUST THE TWO OF US.

It hurts me to see you look so sad today. I really understand what it's like for friends to let you down. I know your heart aches.

I'll Close for now because I know you are very busy, and I certainly don't want to bother you. You know you are always free to choose me, my way…… or not. It’s really your decision, because I have already chosen you.

So please, don't be too long.

And remember: I LOVE YOU!

Your friend,



No, I didn’t write this.  My daughter came home from school with this and I just had to share it with you all.

HASHEM calls out to us, “Open up for Me the size of the head of a pin, and I will open for you the size of a great hall!”


  1. Beautiful. Thank you Minde.

  2. Wow what an excellent post! The queen of PiRo is back.

  3. Excellent post and timely.

    Minde is indeed the queen of our hearts. :)

  4. Thanks for this, made tears come to my eyes!

  5. So nice! Thank you

  6. Who is this Minde and why is she so popular?
